Tuesday, October 13, 2009

DVD Rundown: Land of the Proposal from Hell

Drag Me To Hell (Full review here)
You might know this movie as the one you saw the trailer for and thought "Hmm, that looks terrible." Well, that's true. The trailers were terrible because they advertised a straight horror movie, which this is not. What we got was a fun horror comedy that I absolutely loved. I love this movie so much I'm surprised that I didn't try to make out with the screen after it was over. The combinations of gross out gags and actual scares might be off putting to some (mainly those who don't enjoy fun), but I really believe this is a horror movie that transcends the genre. Also, Alison Lohman might be the cutest person of all time. FINAL VERDICT: I've already bought both the standard DVD and the blu-ray, but you should probably rent it first to see if it's for you. But rent it right now.

Land of the Lost (Full review here)
While Land of the Lost is certainly not laughless (nearly impossible to contain Ferrell and McBride for a whole movie), there is really nothing redeeming about it. The entire movie is a mashup of weird sketches that lack any cohesive narrative. For a $100 million, we deserved a lot better than this. FINAL VERDICT: Not offensively bad, but not enjoyable. Skip it

The Proposal (Full review here)
Ugh. This piece of shit again. While it probably isn't the worst movie of the year, and isn't "one of the most unrealistic representation of human beings I’ve ever seen", but it is really not good. It is just sloppy across the board. Every joke and plot element is choreographed for a mile away. Then again, I tend to view movies with a harsher eye than some of my simpler readers, so it might be the thing for you. FINAL VERDICT: If you are looking for characters, humor, or enjoyment, then you should look elsewhere. Otherwise, it's worth renting.

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