Tuesday, September 15, 2009

DVD Rundown: Adventureland, Duplicity, Fighting, and Sunshine Cleaning (Oh My!)


Following Superbad, anyone who went to Adventureland expecting a raunchy comedy found themselves getting something entirely different. Hopefully, they were open minded because we got a heartfelt and realistic coming of age story that has some good character humor in it. A far superior film (not necessarily funnier, but better) than Superbad, Adventureland is a movie that pretty much everyone can find something to enjoy. FINAL VERDICT: A purchase for movie fans, a rental or general audiences.


Is there really anything worse than a movie that does absolutely nothing? I’d say no. I’d rather a movie be horrible than be bland and boring. Duplicity is the latter. Despite having extraordinary talent all over the project, the movie fails to elicit any sort of response from the audience. Things just kinda happen, and there’s some twists, but you never care. FINAL VERDICT: There are much better movies out there that do pretty much the same thing. Skip it.


The TV spot for this DVD reads “Starring G.I. Joe’s Channing Tatum.” Do I really have to say anything else. FINAL VERDICT: Skip it.

Sunshine Cleaning

This is the perfect movie for people who want to go a bit outside mainstream movies, but couldn’t handle venturing too far into Indie waters (like Alejandro Adams’ Canary). It’s got a great cast, anchored by Amy Adams, who despite what people may say about all her characters being somewhat whiny and shrill, I really think she’s going to be the closest thing this generation has to Meryl Streep. FINAL VERDICT: It’s definitely a rental, but one that you might end up keeping from Blockbuster.

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