Tuesday, September 15, 2009

DVD Rundown: Confessions of Inkheart's Waltz With a Pink Panther

Confessions of a Shopaholic: I was originally excited when I heard that Jerry Bruckheimer was producing things other than action blockbusters and CBS dramas. I was notably less excited when I heard that his first project wasConfessions. If anyone expects me to recommend a romantic comedy about shopping, they really haven’t been paying attention. The only positive thing about this movie is that it’s hopefully the first step toward making Isla Fisher a movie star. FINAL VERDICT: Only worth seeing if you’re a huge Fisher fan, or just really like shopping.

Inkheart: If a movie is only enjoyed by fans of the novel, is it really a good movie? I’d say the answer is no (sorry Watchmen). I’ll never begrudge a fan of a novel who loves the movie based on that novel, but they have to understand that not everyone else likes it. Where as they’re just happy to see their favorite characters come to life, other people are confused/bored. FINAL VERDICT: Don’t watch unless you’re a fan of the novel or British.

The Pink Panther 2: I didn’t see the first Pink Panther, so maybe I was just missing out on key plot points, but this movie is just plain stupid. Rather than laugh at a silly accent or Steve Martin down, I was just crushed that Jean Reno (Leon) has resorted to this to make money. FINAL VERDICT: Skip it at all costs.

Waltz With Bashir: There are some movies that even if you don’t like it, it does something so original, so unlike anything you’ve ever seen, that you should watch it just to say you saw it. This is one of those movies. I wrote a full review when I saw it in theaters, so check that out if you want more in depth thoughts. FINAL VERDICT: A must see for anyone who loves movies, especially from a technical stand point. Also, check out my full review here.

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