Tuesday, September 15, 2009

DVD Rundown: Next Day Origins

Next Day Air

I’m so excited that this has finally be released on DVD. Not because I want to see it again, but because I can bring back that hilarious joke I used in myTerminator Salvation review: “…like Next Day Air (more like Crap Crap Air)…” I know. My humor is very mature and really shows that I’m about to turn 21. Seriously, though, that joke is funnier than the movie. Also, Armond White liked it. FINAL VERDICT: Do I have to explain my joke? I called it Crap Crap Air because it sucks.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Those of you who’ve been reading my ramblings since May (and for that, I’m quite appreciative) may remember the massive nerd-out I had uponWolverine’s release. Since then, I’ve talked to numerous non-comic readers who thought the movie was quite good. After resisting the urge to punch them in the face and tell them how wrong they are, I realized that the concensus amoung general audiences (and yes, I mean that negatively) is that this movie is good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go throw up just thinking about the amnesia bullets. FINAL VERDICT: Non-comic book reading, action movie fans should find a lot to enjoy, so give it a rental but I cannot actually type the words that recommend people give Fox more money for this abomination.

Also, be sure to read the aformentioned nerd-out.

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